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Report the event for the transaction.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires the following permissions: OWNERHANDLE_PAYMENTS for appsHANDLE_PAYMENTS for staff users

Staff user cannot update a transaction that is owned by the app.

amount: PositiveDecimal!
availableActions: [TransactionActionEnum!]
externalUrl: String
id: ID
message: String
pspReference: String!
time: DateTime
token: UUID
type: TransactionEventTypeEnum!
): TransactionEventReport


transactionEventReport.amount ● PositiveDecimal! non-null scalar miscellaneous

The amount of the event to report.

transactionEventReport.availableActions ● [TransactionActionEnum!] list enum payments

List of all possible actions for the transaction

transactionEventReport.externalUrl ● String scalar miscellaneous

The url that will allow to redirect user to payment provider page with event details. ● ID scalar miscellaneous

The ID of the transaction. One of field id or token is required.

transactionEventReport.message ● String scalar miscellaneous

The message related to the event.

transactionEventReport.pspReference ● String! non-null scalar miscellaneous

PSP Reference of the event to report.

transactionEventReport.time ● DateTime scalar miscellaneous

The time of the event to report. If not provide, the current time will be used.

transactionEventReport.token ● UUID scalar miscellaneous

The token of the transaction. One of field id or token is required.

Added in Saleor 3.14

transactionEventReport.type ● TransactionEventTypeEnum! non-null enum payments

Current status of the event to report.


TransactionEventReport object payments

Report the event for the transaction.

Added in Saleor 3.13
This API is currently in Feature Preview and can be subject to changes at later point.
Requires the following permissions: OWNERHANDLE_PAYMENTS for appsHANDLE_PAYMENTS for staff users

Staff user cannot update a transaction that is owned by the app.