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Updates a new shipping price.

Requires MANAGE_SHIPPINGpermission.
type ShippingPriceUpdate {
shippingZone: ShippingZone
shippingMethod: ShippingMethodType
shippingErrors: [ShippingError!]! @deprecated
errors: [ShippingError!]!


ShippingPriceUpdate.shippingZone ● ShippingZone object shipping

A shipping zone to which the shipping method belongs.

ShippingPriceUpdate.shippingMethod ● ShippingMethodType object shipping

ShippingPriceUpdate.shippingErrors ● [ShippingError!]! deprecated non-null object shipping


This field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use errors field instead.

ShippingPriceUpdate.errors ● [ShippingError!]! non-null object shipping

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shippingPriceUpdate mutation