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Country-specific exceptions of a channel's tax configuration.

Added in Saleor 3.9
type TaxConfigurationPerCountry {
country: CountryDisplay!
chargeTaxes: Boolean!
taxCalculationStrategy: TaxCalculationStrategy
displayGrossPrices: Boolean!
taxAppId: String

Fields ● CountryDisplay! non-null object miscellaneous

Country in which this configuration applies.

TaxConfigurationPerCountry.chargeTaxes ● Boolean! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Determines whether taxes are charged in this country.

TaxConfigurationPerCountry.taxCalculationStrategy ● TaxCalculationStrategy enum taxes

A country-specific strategy to use for tax calculation. Taxes can be calculated either using user-defined flat rates or with a tax app. If not provided, use the value from the channel's tax configuration.

TaxConfigurationPerCountry.displayGrossPrices ● Boolean! non-null scalar miscellaneous

Determines whether displayed prices should include taxes for this country.

TaxConfigurationPerCountry.taxAppId ● String scalar miscellaneous

The tax app App.identifier that will be used to calculate the taxes for the given channel and country. If not provided, use the value from the channel's tax configuration.

Added in Saleor 3.19

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TaxConfiguration object